Introduction about the blog:

    Hi there this blog is about gossip well famous people gossip. I think before I start talking about my blog, I should introduce myself. My name is Juleiris AKA Julie, Jule or Jul well whatever you wanna call me. Know I am going to talk about my blog this will be full gossip. I will put videos and photos about the “Chisme”. Imagine you are scrolling through tiktok and you get to a video about gossip. You start to look at the video and it lets you on suspense so you look for part two since you are interested. You don’t find the part two that’s not going to happened here. I will give you every little detail of it.


  1. I am exited to hear about all the tea that you will be sharing. What kind of tea or drama are you going to share? I feel like this is such a fun topic! Specially if you like “chisme” LOL! I hope this message finds you great! Until next time!

  2. Hey Julie!!! I M SOO EXCITED FOR THIS BLOG. I love gossip and I hope to learn new gossip every week with this blog. I’m so happy by this blog and emotional by it. I love the idea of this blog and hope you give me great tea in it. :)

  3. I like this topic and I would like to see u talk about this more. I would love to see all the tea being spilled! I think this blog would make me laugh and have fun. I hope everything goes well for u in the blog and have create ideas.

  4. Hey Julie! I hope you are doing well by reading this. I have to say I am very excited to read about all the gossip especially since I'm a big fan of it. I think It would be a very entertaining and attention catching topic. Even the title is very creative and makes me want to read your blog! I hope to read a lot more about this. Time to spill the tea Julie!


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